

13th Asia Pacific Signal and Information Processing Association Annual Summit and Conference (APSIPA ASC)

DECEMBER 14 – 17, 2021, TOKYO, JAPAN
Venue: KFC Hall & Rooms
Kokusai Fashion Centre Bldg., Yokoami 1-6-1, Sumida City, Tokyo

Signal & Information Processing — Science for Signals, Data, and Intelligence

Important Dates

[April 1, 2021] Submission of Proposals for Special Sessions [May 1, 2021] Submission of Proposals for Forum, Panel & Tutorial Sessions [July 15, 2021] Submission of Regular Papers [July 15, 2021] Submission of Special Session Papers [July 16 to September 10, 2021] Submission of Research Abstract  [August 31, 2021] Notification of Papers Acceptance [October 1, 2021] Submission of Camera‑Ready Papers [October 1, 2021] Author (Early-Bird) Registration Deadline [December 14 – 17, 2021] Tutorials, Summit and Conference Dates

Industrial Forum
(December 17 (Fri), 10:20AM - 12:05PM)
- Research and development of consumer-oriented technologies and services -

Dr. Gerard Medioni

Dr. Gerard Medioni (Vice President/Distinguished Scientist, Amazon
Professor Emeritus, University of Southern California)

Inventing on behalf of the customers
Professor Gérard Medioni received the Diplôme d’Ingenieur from ENST, Paris in 1977, a M.S. and Ph.D. from the University of Southern California in 1980 and 1983 respectively. He is Vice President/Distinguished Scientist at Amazon, where he is leading the research efforts for Amazon Go, and the recently announced Amazon One service. He is also Professor Emeritus of Computer Science at USC, where he served as Chairman of the Computer Science Department from 2001 to 2007. Professor Medioni has made significant contributions to the field of computer vision. He has published 4 books, over 80 journal papers and 200 conference articles, and is the recipient of more than 45 patents. He is the editor, with Sven Dickinson, of the Computer Vision series of books for Morgan-Claypool.
Prof. Medioni is on the advisory board of the IEEE Transactions on PAMI Journal, associate editor of the Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis Journal. He is vice president of the Computer Vision Foundation (CVF).
Prof. Medioni serves at general co-chair of many Computer Vision conferences such as CVPR, WACV, ICCV, and ACCV.
Prof. Medioni has been a consultant to several companies and startups (DXO, Poseidon, Opti-copy, Geometrix, Symah Vision, KLA-Tencor, PrimeSense) prior to joining Amazon.
He is the recipient of the IEEE PAMI Mark Everingham Prize for contributions to the Computer Vision Community.
He is a Fellow of IAPR, a Fellow of the IEEE, and a Fellow of AAAI.
Mr. Chia-Yung Su (Joe)

Mr. Chia-Yung Su (Joe) (Co-founder/Chief Technology Officer, Appier)

Machine Learning as a Service: Challenges and Opportunities
Chia-Yung“Joe” Su co-founded Appier and served as our Chief Technology Officer. He graduated from National Chiao Tung University (NCTU) and was ranked first in his Computer Science and Information Engineering class. He received the NCTU Distinguished Academic Contribution Award and was also elected as an Honorary Member of the Phi Tau Phi Scholastic Honors Society of the Republic of China. He earned his MS degree at Harvard University. Mr. Su has published research papers on network and systems design. Prior to Appier, Mr. Su co-founded and ran Plaxie, an independent game studio focused on developing intelligent mobile and social games. Mr. Su is an expert in large-scale systems and a highly skilled programmer. He has system design experience and expertise in a variety of areas, including VoIP, social games, distributed computing, big data technologies, and marketing technologies. As a CTO, Mr. Su charts the technology direction for Appier as it builds AI platforms, including jointly developing the CrossX AI platform, Appier’s first technology solution. He works closely with industry partners to stay up-to-date on the latest ad tech trends and aims to foster strategic alliances.